Download webroot antivirus software

Download webroot antivirus software

Webroot safe installer exe is a executable file. You need to download and run this file , in order to activate a webroot antivirus.

Steps to Download and activate webroot (webroot safe install exe)

In the first step , i will give you the link , from there you can easily download your webroot . Please read all the steps in order to successfully install your antivirus .

  1. click on the link //
  2. On this page the download file  (webroot safe install exe) is already there and it will be downloaded automatically if you have a google chrome browser . If you are using internet explorer (blue E) then a it will show you a option to save in the bottom. You need to click on save.
  3. Now it will show you another option to run you just need to click on run.If you do not find the download file , then you just need to press ctrl+j at the same time in order to open your download.
  4. If you successfully run the download file then it will show you a box , where you can put your keycode.( Keycode is a 20 digit alphanumeric set which is on the back of your card)
  5. Press agree and install
  6. Now your computer will prompt and you need to click on “yes”.


File Description: wsainstall.exe file from Webroot is part of  Webroot SecureAnywhere. wsainstall.exe located in d:programmes securitywebroot 8 secure anywhere complete keys webroot 8 secure anywhere complete keys \wsainstall.exe with file size 733648 byte, file version, MD5 signature 4c3b03b552674d0e43d060e30818a6a0.

Activated Fully.


  1. Smarter, Faster and More Effective Protection
  2. Instantaneous Cloud-Predictive Malware Protection
  3. 750 KB Client: Installs, Scans & Protects In Seconds
  4. No Conflicts with Existing Security or Endpoint Software
  5. Advanced Offline Protection Against Zero-Day & Highly Adaptive Threats
  6. Complete User Agent Policy Controls & Protection
  7. Browser Identity & Privacy Shield
  8. Simple, Feature-Rich Web-Based Management Console
  9. Powerful Endpoint Agent Commands
  10. “Last Good State” Endpoint Rollback & Remediation
  11. Instantaneous “One-Click” Global Support
  12. System Cleaner Performance & Productivity Tools
  13. Webroot SecureAnywhere®?—?Endpoint Protection is the next generation of endpoint security. It’s smarter, faster, more effective, and much easier to use and deploy.


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